We offer protective pest annd rodent control in the following areas:

- office and other commercial premises
- apartments, houses and other private buildings
- production and storage facilities
- gastronomy and accommodation
- public transport
- communal sphere
- government
Our company:
- performs disinfection in accordance with Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on the protection of public health, as amended (i.e. professional competence and valid trade license)
- provides preventive treatment, continuous pest and rodent control
- provides regular and one-time pest and rodent control
- uses approved, professional, quality and proven biocidal products
- uses its own modern technical equipment
- holds a valid certificate of professional competence
- treats each order with maximum responsibility
- follows procedures protecting the health of the customer, his clients and the environment
In the field of disinsection, we focus on the control of ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and wasps.
In the field of rodent control, we focus on the control of rats and mice.